How To Add, Edit And Delete Categories In WordPress?

July 13, 2021
How To Add, Edit And Delete Categories In WordPress?

The category is one of the great features in WordPress to organize your content.

In this article, you will learn how to add, edit and delete categories in WordPress.

In this article, we are going to share a step-by-step method to add, edit and delete the category from WordPress.

Let’s get started.

Add Category to WordPress:

There are two ways to add the new category.

1- Add Category from Blog Post:

The first way is to add the category is from the Blog Post itself.

On the right hand side, you will see the Document Tab in the edit post area. When you click on it, you will see Categories section. Click on the Categories section. It will expand like this:

Click on Add New Category. Then add the New Category Name and add its Parent Category( if any ) and click on Add New Category button.

2- Add Category from Categories:

Second way to add the category in WordPress, you need to go to the Posts >> Categories in the WordPress Dashboard.

Then add the Name, Slug, Parent Category (if any) and description (if any).

The Slug is the URL for the category which you are about to add. You can either write or leave it empty as it creates a slug automatically based on the Category name.

Then click on Add New Category.

Edit Category in WordPress:

To edit the category in WordPress, you need to go to the Posts >> Categories in the WordPress Dashboard.

On the right-hand side, you will see all the categories. Hover over the category which you want to edit, you will see the Edit option. Click on Edit button.

You will see something like this:

You can edit the Name, Slug, Parent Category and Description. Click on Update the button to update the category.

Delete Category in WordPress:

To delete the category in WordPress, you need to go to the Posts >> Categories in the WordPress Dashboard.

On the right-hand side, you will see all the categories. Hover over the category which you want to delete, you will see the Delete option. Click on Delete.

It will open up the popup and ask for confirmation for deleting that category. Click on Yes if you want to Delete the Category.

By Deleting the Category, it will remove that category from all the blog posts.


Hope you have learned how to add, edit and delete a category from WordPress.

Let me know if you have any questions or queries in the comments. I will answer all of them.

With that said, peace out!

See you in the next one 🙂


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