Get current Date, Time and Day in Laravel

November 28, 2022
Get current Date, Time and Day in Laravel

In this post, we will learn how you can get the current date, time and day in the laravel.

Lets get started!

We will be using laravel “now” helper function which in the backend calls the carbon library. So “now” has the access to all the carbon library functions.

Getting Current Date In Laravel

So to get the current Date in laravel, we will call the “now” helper function followed by format.


This will give us the current date in dd-mm-yyyy format where:

  • d stands for day
  • m for month
  • Y for year

So the output will be like this:


Getting Current Time In Laravel

To get the current time with hours, minutes and seconds, we will again call the “now” helper function with format.


This will give us time in 24 hours where:

  • H stand for Hour
  • i stands for minutes
  • s for seconds

So the output will be like this:


Getting Current Day in Laravel

Now to get the current day or week day in laravel, we have to call again “now” helper function followed by format.

{{ now()->format('l') }}

This will give weekday. So the Output would be:



Hope you have learned today, how to get the current date, time and day in laravel. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments below.

See you in the next one.

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