In this tutorial, you will get to know how to get the selected radio value on the change event in jquery.
This is one of the common things is to get the value of selected radio button when the radio button changed or selected.
Let’s jump to the solution.
Table of Contents
Creating the radio buttons
Let’s say, we have two radio buttons for food with pizza and a burger.
<input type="radio" name="food" class="food" value="pizza"> Pizza
<input type="radio" name="food" class="food" value="burger"> Burger
Get value of selected radio button on change
In the following code, we are looking for the change in the food
buttons. As soon as the option is selected or changed. It will trigger the change
event and you will get the value of the selected radio button.
let radio_value=$(".food:checked").val();
Hope you have learned today how to get selected radio button value on change event in Jquery.
Questions are welcomed in the comments.
See you soon again!
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