Remove and add class using jquery (Under 3 minutes)

November 28, 2023
Remove and add class using jquery (Under 3 minutes)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add and remove class using jquery.

There are many cases where you want to either add the class or remove it dynamically via jquery.

For this purpose we have addClass() , removeClass() and toggleClass(),

In the tutorial, we will cover each of these in brief.

Are you ready? Let’s start ? !

How to add Class Using Jquery?

addclass() the function of jquery is used to add one or multiple classes dynamically to the selected element.

Here is a small example of code in which element with id box having class bg added dynamically

//adding the bg class to the box id element using jquery
Note:When you are adding/removing or toggling the class, you dont have to add the will not have dot(.) to it.

Here is the example of adding multiple classes using jquery. In this example we are adding bg class, red class and orange class

//adding the bg class, red class and orange class
$('#box').addClass('bg red orange');

How to remove Class Using Jquery?

Just like the addclass() we have removeClass() to remove the class or classes.

Here is the small example of code in which element with id box having class bg removed dynamically

//removing the bg class from the box id element using jquery

Same as this, we can remove the multiple classes

//removing the bg class, red class and orange class
$('#box').removeClass('bg red orange');

How to add and remove Class using toggle function?

Method 1: Using addclass() and removeclass()

First method which we can use to toggleclass is using addclass() and removeclass() in one line

Here is the example of first removing the bg class and adding the orange class

//removing the bg class and adding the orange class using jquery

Here is the another example of first adding the bg class and then removing the orange class

//adding the bg class and then remove the orange class using jquery

Method 2: Using toggleClass()

Another method is using toggleClass(). toggleClass() works in a way that if the class is not added it will add the class otherwise it will remove the class.

Here is the example with explaining

// Case 1: If bg class was already applied to the box id element, then by using this next line it will remove the bg class.
// Case 2: If bg class was not applied before the box id element, then by using this next line it will add the bg class

Same as the addClass() and removeClass(), in toggleClass() can also have multiple classes

//bg will be added if it was not added before, otherwise it will remove it
//orange will be added if it was not added before, otherwise it will remove it
//red will be added if it was not added before, otherwise it will remove it
$('#box').toggleClass('bg orange red');


Hope you learned today how to add class and remove class using jquery. Hope you like it.

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions and I will try to answer all of them

See you soon!

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